IACHR transferred to the Inter-American Court the case of the extermination of the UP in Colombia | NTN24


The case of extermination of thousands of activists of the Colombian Unión Patriótica political party was submitted to the review of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, as reported Wednesday by the United States. autonomous organ of the Organization of American States, IACHR

that the case was submitted to the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court on June 29, after considering that Colombia had not complied recommendations made in the previous report.

The report mentions the acts committed to the detriment of more than 6,000 members and members of the UP since 1984 and for more than 20 years, which were considered as "unusual gravity and magnitude" and described by the IACHR like an extermination.

Facts Include Forced Disappearances, Threats, Harbadment, Forced Displacement and Attempted Homicide, Committed by Agents According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, investigations by the Colombian state were "nascent, inadequate" and did not allow to establish a state of non-state with "tolerance and acquiescence" on the part of the IACHR. responsibilities

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