"I'm acting because I like it, it's the only reason" – La República CE


Jodie Foster

After five years devoted to staging, Jodie Foster returns to the cameras with the futuristic thriller "Hotel Artemis", and admits that after five decades in the Industry Although it is not his priority, he continues to be pbadionate.

"I have played almost all my life since the age of three," said the American actress at a meeting with a small media group, including Efe. "That's what I did most in my life, so I do not feel weird to do it again" he added.

"This work is a luxury and an honor.After 52 years, I act because I like it.It's all.This is the only reason.It can be something filmed with an iPhone, with a little paper or a special appearance on TV … I do not have more boxes to mark on my list, "explains Foster, whose last role at the cinema was the film of sci-fi "Elysium" (2013), with Matt Damon

Meanwhile, he directed a chapter of "House of Cards", two episodes of "Orange is the New Black", another episode of "Black Mirror "and the movie" Money Monster "where George Clooney

" It's not that I changed the actress to become a director, I gave him more priority, "said Foster, who directed his first film, "Little Man Tate" (1991), 29 years old In 1995, his second film, "Home for the Holidays", is released, and he turns 16 until the release of his next book: "The Beaver" (2011).

"He spends a lot of time between one and the other and wants to change that. I'm more interested in management, but I know that when I grow up, my priorities will change again. . I am excited to see what I will do as an actress when I'm 80, with the wealth that entails. " says Foster laughing.

Now the double winner of the Academy Award for Best Actress for" The Accused "(1988) and" The Silence of the Lambs "(1991) He carefully selected his appearances on the big screen and did not hesitate to choose the scenario of "Hotel Artemis" as his next adventure.

"I chose it because it was a transformation "recognizes Foster." It was about going back to the cinema with a very different aspect of how people know me. There was some resistance because it is shocking to see me for the first time, "conceded the actress on the decadent aspect with which she appears on the band.

" Hotel Artemis ", first feature film by British director Drew Pearce (screenwriter for "Iron Man 3" and "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation"), brings action to a futuristic city in Los Angeles shaken by violent demonstrations in which the population demands

In this chaos, critically wounded thieves decide to enter the Artemis Hotel, run by a nurse who ran this secret society for two decades with a private room. an emergency dedicated exclusively to its members.

The film, starring Sofia Boutella, Charlie Day, Jeff Goldblum and Dave Bautista, addresses topics such as wage inequality, climate change, system problems American health, the lack e drinking water in some areas and even police brutality, aspects that have attracted the attention of

"The film turns to the next 25 years. These are things that are happening now and that will go further. I think it's a clairvoyant story. It shows where we're going " said Foster, who mentioned" Matrix "as an example of a sci-fi film that was ahead of the realities when it came to showing what society would be like in A short time in. Sleeping in their bodies but just plugging on wires? That's what my kids do on a Sunday morning, "said the artist. " The technology is fascinating. The human being took thousands of years to lose his hair, but it only took a few seconds to succumb to the digital revolution. Everything changed overnight " he says

Foster, however, regrets that the feminist movement of" Me Too "was not implemented in Hollywood at the same speed.

"When I was a girl, I've never seen other women around me, apart from a few makeup artists and some scenario supervisors, from time to time," she said. he says. "I grew up with men. They were my film school and my family. Today, there is parity in almost all departments, but not in the number of women directors ", pointed out.

As a solution, the artist abandoned the idea of quotas, something which, she says, is given with success in Europe.

"It sounds crazy, but it works. The problem is systemic. They say that there are not enough women who can run a $ 150 million film, but this happens because they have not been given the opportunity to direct from them. Other smaller movies. And when that happened, they did not have a second chance " he said. EFE

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