In September, the awaited show Thannhauser – La República EC arrives at the Guggenheim Bilbao


The exclusive exhibition in Europe of almost all the works that make up this collection is part of the reparations requested by the Basque regional institutions owners of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (northern Spain) to renew the. agreement in 2014 collaboration with the aforementioned foundation of New York

Four after the desire of the managers of Guggenheim Bilbao be completed and from September 21 to March 24, 2019 the sample will be open to the public, with approximately 50 The works of the collection of businessman and German gallerist Justin Thannhauser are kept by the Solomon R. Guggernheim Foundation since 1965.

Although the Guggenheim Bilbao has already hosted in 2001 a Another sample of works from this collection of 40 European masters of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, on this occasion the selection of works and artists s & # 39; extends beyond these two artistic movements art early modern European

For this reason, it includes works ranging from the tormented V a Gogh to the 39th. immortal Pablo Picbado, pbading through the great representatives of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, such as Cezanne, Degas, Edouard Manet, Gauguin and Georges Braque, one of the initiators, with the genius of Málaga, of the movement cubist

The works of the Thannhauser Collection focus on the authors of the avant-garde who sought to liberate the art of imposed genres and norms by the dominant academicism at the end of the 19th century, notes the Guggenheim in a statement

. These authors have explored the changing effects of natural phenomena. and how to represent the changing city spectacle in the early twentieth century, using stylistic resources, such as loose brushstrokes, and innovative practices, such as the fragmentation of the pi ctórico.

In addition to paintings, sculptures and works on paper, the exhibition includes archival materials, such as Thannhauser Gallery inventory books or historical photographs, to document the work of the museum. Commitment of this family The Thannhauser Collection of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation is a collection of works of art from the 19th century and early 20th century bequeathed to it in 1978 by the wedding. formed by businessman, gallerist and Jewish art dealer of German origin Justin K. and his wife Hilde Thannhauser

Justin K. Thannhauser was the son of the art dealer German Heinrich Thannhauser, who founded the Modern Gallery in Munich (Germany) in 1909.

Justin worked with his father at the gallery, helping him to develop an extensive program of exhibitions dedicated to impressionist and post-impressionist artists. French Resionists regularly devote samples to contemporary German authors.

The Thannhauser also organized in 1913 one of the most important retrospectives devoted to the Spanish genius Pablo Picbado, which gave birth to a close relationship between Justin and the artist of Malaga that will last until his death in 1973.

For this reason, the collection accumulates more than 30 picbados, some of which, like the masterpieces " The Mill of the Galette" (1900) and "The woman with yellow hair" (1931 ), can be seen in the room dedicated exclusively to the Spanish artist. EFE

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