Indigenous communities continue to denounce mining activities – La República CE


ARCHIVER | August 11, 2016 | Mining project in Río Blanco in the province of Azuay. Photo taken by El Telégrafo

The Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (CONFENIAE) , expressed their Ecuador .

In a statement, they pointed out that an intense activity was taking place on the territory of the community of Sinangoe, in the north-east of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Mining and ratified its "struggle for the defense of their communities, forests and life."

According to the letter, since 2017, the Ecuadorian State has granted 20 mining concessions and more than 30 are in a state of

reported that these activities are causing serious damage to ancestral territories, which has caused "a drastic change in their way of life and threatens to provoke

The communities concerned have criticized the fact that the competent authorities have not responded to their demands: "Only offers and promises without any concrete action of regulation or social, economic or environmental remediation", stresses the text. In response, indigenous communities called for the holding of a community badembly and a territorial tour to corroborate the damage caused, according to these groups, in violation of human rights and human rights. from the nature.

the Ministry of the Environment said in a statement that a continuous dialogue was maintained with the leaders of the people Cofán Sinangoe, both in the capital, Quito, and in the territory.

The institution reported that several meetings were held, which gave "positive results for the management of the environment".

He noted that the Ministry of the Environment maintains an agreement of use and management of resources for the conservation and ecological management of the territory of Cofán in the Cayambe Coca National Park.

The Ministry added that its provincial office in Sucumbíos carried out 13 inspections in the territory to identify illegal activities with other institutions

It adds that the aforementioned Provincial Directorate inspected the mining concession of Puerto Libre , determining non-compliance with environmental regulations.

As a result, on March 16, it suspended mining activities in that jurisdiction. In addition, they were invited to submit a plan of action to correct the deficiencies identified during the inspections.

He also mentioned that the provincial office had inspected the Properidad mining concession, determining non-compliance with environmental regulations

as part of the participation agreements between the Sinangoe community members, l & # 39; Monthly patrols have been established to identify illegal mining activities in the area, with community guard members, and establish communication networks to warn in an early form of illegal mining activities. EFE

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