Iniesta admitted to having suffered depression after winning everything with Barça


Source: MARK

Andrés Iniesta surprised everyone and confessed that he was suffering from depression at the time when he was doing best with FC Barcelona during an interview with journalist Jordi Évole as part of a program well known Spanish called "Salvados".

He stated that this had happened in 2009 when Barça dazzled the world with football played by him, Xavi, Messi, Henry, Eto & o's and his company with Pep Guardiola.

"It came to me after winning the triplet, the goal at Chelsea, the Champions, three titles, an amazing year … But in the summer, no, you're starting to cheat, something from you." And you do not know how to catalog it, you start an internal process, think, but you do not know why, and you enter a loop and you find yourself very empty. "

"That also influenced what Dani (Jarque) .A preseason afternoon, I was at home and I called the doctor, Dr. Pruna, to find out what he was doing. because I did not know what was going to happen, I told her that I needed help because I did not get away from this situation, I wanted the night to take a pill and I I had no illusions, no desire, no feeling. "

"When you are suffering from depression, it is not you, when you are so vulnerable, it is difficult to control the moments of life." I was in treatment for a period with the psychologist, I will always remember my desire to consult, I would arrive 15 minutes before. "

"I wanted the night to come take a pill and rest"
That year, he won everything. That year, Andrés Iniesta suffered a severe depression. This is sincere #IniestaEnSalvados:

– Registered (@salvadostv) November 25, 2018

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