Israel overthrows Syrian fighter who bombed jihadists – La República CE



The Israeli army shot down a Syrian fighter plane that entered the airspace under its control two kilometers away today, said in a statement.

"Two missiles were recently launched Patriot against a Syrian fighter plane Sukhoi that infiltrated Israeli airspace" detailed military note, which he added, " was intercepted by the missiles. "

The Israeli army reported that " since the early hours of the morning, there has been an increase in internal fighting in Syria " including an increase in "activity" of Syrian government air forces.

informed in an earlier statement that anti-aircraft sirens had rang in several cities of the Emek HaYarden Regional Council, in the Galilee region, as well as in the city of Katzrin, in the occupied Golan Heights. Israel since 1967.

The army warned that she was in a state of alert and "will continue to operate against the violation of the 1974 separation of forces agreement " the cease-fire that establishes a demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights between the two countries that are technically at war.

Tension has increased in the region since the regime of Bashar al-Asad launched a military offensive to recover the territory controlled by rebels and jihadists in the south of Syria

Israel opposes Iranian forces, an allied government in the internal conflict, having a presence in the neighboring country and especially near the territory that it controls.

The Israeli army yesterday activated the missile defense system against two missiles believed to have come from internal fighting Syria . EFE

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