It's time to act – The EC Republic


Juan Carlos Diaz-Granados Martinez
Guayaquil, Ecuador

Between 2015 and 2017, under the presidency of Rafico, two hundred and seventy-eight thousand jobs were lost because of the safeguards, preventing us from producing one thousand four hundred and fifty millions. All to increase more after the oil #DespilFarra.

The justification: nationalism, which caused so much damage to humanity. These officials have liked, for whatever reason, to favor certain sectors that they have chosen, instead of creating an ecosystem governed by the law of supply and demand for the benefit of the consumer.

With the fall in the price of oil, it has been shown that 21st century socialism was based on extraordinary profits for the sale of this liquid. The serious thing, besides corruption, is that they have not effectively invested the greatest amount of economic resources in Republican history to devote themselves to populism. They went from the Latin American jaguar to the caricature of the attic.

At the beginning of this government, six out of ten Ecuadorians had a decent job. Once completed, six out of ten Ecuadorians also did not have adequate employment. They were dedicated to blocking trade: the economic activity that creates a more suitable job and hence the results.

We continue to impede trade through non-tariff barriers that favor certain manufacturers, while damaging the purchasing power of consumers. These companies refuse to compete.

It is clear that Lenin has focused, successfully, on politics and on the offer of peace. It was the urgency to be able to govern. It is time to act economically. Indicators say it

If we badyze the elimination of the subsidy to gasoline (which would increase the costs in the production chain), taxes, fees and tariffs applied to vehicles should be reduced simultaneously. The taxes that have been applied by previous governments to maintain the fuel subsidy, while restricting trade. Thanks to these taxes, buying a car in Ecuador is like buying two in Peru or Chile. Buy two, bring one.

The laws to be adopted should have cross-cutting incentives for any investor. Not only those who are chosen as winners of Quito. Pursuing this policy does not make sense in the 21st century

Any public or private monopoly or oligopoly promoted by the government must be abolished. None of them offered, nor offer the best prices.

There is a need to reduce public spending by eliminating excesses in public procurement.

We need to include new forms of employment contract to ease the employment relationship and facilitate the hiring of the unemployed. . It is important that these modalities be included in the Labor Code so that labor quotas are not produced in companies and thus reduce underemployment.

We must also sign the trade agreement with the United States, our main trading partner; and make Ecuador a permanent member of the Pacific Alliance, which accounts for 57% of total trade in Latin America and the Caribbean. We have already seen how good it was for exports and employment to have signed an agreement with the European Union. Our goal must be to sell more to the world to reduce poverty and become a leading global country.

As Napoleon said, "Take your time to deliberate, but when it comes time to act, stop thinking and acting."

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