Iván Cepeda on the murders of social leaders in Colombia


Senator Iván Cepeda spoke with NTN24 about the killing of social leaders in Colombia and said that "behind these murders, there are those who do not want peace agreements to be consolidated, because these leaders peacebuilders, the senator said that "these are forces that are rooted in many parts of the country and work hand-in-hand with groups armed, sometimes even with State agents who have committed the violation of human rights to trigger this wave of systematic killings in the country. "

In addition, Cepeda said that it is very important" to clearly recognize what it's all about, It's not a matter of skirts, it's not a problem that these people have personal enemies, but here there is a policy of systematic extermination "

" This is not a question of discussion among political groups, but rather of the lives of the leaders the most important social issues that Colombia has today in the territories, and it should therefore be the subject of very clear positions.

Finally, Cepeda stressed that "what has been asked of the President-elect Iván Duque, it is that he already announces a public policy facing these events. He has not been accused of any sort of responsibility for the murders, but rather of a claim. "

editorial NTN24

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