Iván Márquez will not take office as a Colombian Congressman


Former guerrilla Luciano Marín Arango, known under the alias of his former alias Iván Márquez, announced in a letter his decision not to take up his duties as a senator in the Colombian legislature, which will begin on July 20, arguing that "I am not" satisfied "with what was signed in Cuba

" I think that the peace of Colombia is trapped in networks of betrayal, and not because the agreement is not 39 is not materialized. "But the introduced changes have disfigured the agreement," said the ex-fighter.

Márquez badured that the current agreement "is not the one we signed in Havana" and added that the culprits are "the Attorney General". peace and truth, the Court changing its decisions according to the political winds, and the government itself. "

The political head of the FARC is currently in a According to him, the territorial space of Miravalle, San Vicente del Caguán, has moved on April 20 to put himself at the head of the reintegration of ex -combatants

Márquez badured in the letter that there were three reasons why can be possessed:

  • "The judicial badembly or trapped conspiracy by the Attorney General and the DEA who unfairly behind the bars now Jesus Santrich and between life and death in the peace process. "
  • " The impressive disfigurement of the CEP that makes this Jurisdiction unrecognizable today compared to the original text signed by the parties in Havana. "
  • " Nowhere does one see the determination to comply with the essential points of agreement such as the Political Reformation, without which there would be no conditions for the pbadage of armed rebellion to judicial policy e ".

" Iván Márquez & # 39; said that he will continue to "work day and night incessantly for the consolidation of peace in Colombia, for the respect of the agreement and for the social and economic reintegration of the guerrillas." In addition, he demanded that there be no more "pitfalls intended to sabotage the peace".

Benkos Biohó, who remains on the list presented by the FARC, would be the one who would occupy the position of senator, instead of Márquez.

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