J Balvin transfers the good vibes of his fashionable reggaeton – La República EC


Photo: Universalmusica

The award-winning Colombian reggaeton J Balvin First Latin artist selected as ambbadador of the Men-centered Fashion Week New York will move today. the good "vibrations" of their music on the podiums with the presentation of a collection for the GEF brand.

The 29th edition of Colombiamoda, the largest textile fair in Latin America, will be the venue chosen for the artist shows the result of this, his first collaboration in fashion.

" My idea in undertaking this project was to give good vibes to clothes to connect more and more with the youth ", says the singer at a press conference [19659003] José Álvaro Osorio Balvin, known worldwide as J Balvin will make his debut tonight as a designer with a proposal for the Colombian market, intended for the whole family, and in Urban silhouettes dominate in primary and vibrant tones.

In "Vibras J Balvin X GEF" you will see "the best of urban fashion, that's why they identify me, and it's completely inspired by my new album," Vibras " , he said

During the first outings, participants will see pieces loaded with transparencies and money, trends that were imposed during the last Fashion Week in London.

Later, in a second hotter moment, allusions to Balvin's musical successes such as "Machika" or "I Love" will be seen, a collaboration that he made with the American rapper Cardi B and that meant that he was number one among the top 100 of Billboard.

Finally, the closing of the collection will be very "Positive", like the most recent reggaeton song.

With all the above, the podium will be a new space through which the artist will encourage others to do it. "" Music allowed me to to fulfill my childhood dreams and that's what I want to inspire "he said.

With this, he added: "I think that it is possible that little bit change this idea so badly that they have abroad on Colombia and we can all leave behind this past of violence that has so marked us. "

The GEF brand chose J Balvin to join the worldwide trend of involving celebrities in the design process.

The Colombian has been nominated several times for Latin Grammy and declared as the most-listened artist on Spotify. EFE


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