James Cameron supports Belfast in the acquisition of Titanic artifacts – La República CE


In this September 15, 2015 photo, Oscar winner James Cameron attends a climate conference in Los Angeles. Cameron took some time producing the next four "Avatar" sequels to return to one of his old movies: "Terminator 2: Judgment Day." The director has converted the 26-year-old band into 3D format. premieres in cinemas on August 25, 2017. (AP Photo / Nick Ut)

American director James Cameron author of the movie " Titanic " (1997), supported the authorities in Northern Ireland to try to buy a collection of more than 5,500 transatlantic artifacts from its current owner, who declared bankruptcy.

The government of Belfast is ready to invest 14 million pounds (15.7 million euros) in this attempt, supported by the "Rescue Project" campaign that was presented today. 39; hui.

In addition to Cameron, Bob Ballard, who discovered in 198, joined Campaign 5

Cameron explained that his adherence to the project, through his Foundation Avatar Alliance, is the result of the "deep responsibility" that he feels towards the unfortunate transatlantic, built in the shipyards of Belfast.

Its construction, the history of Belfast and the sinking of the ship, which caused 1,517 deaths, may be known in the modern center Titanic Belfast, which has the shape of four prows, all of the same height as the true ship from the keel to the bridge.

After having had meetings during the past year at the headquarters of the National Geographic publication in New York, which also raised funds, Cameron, Ballard and Center Titanic Belfast launched a plan to "acquire and repatriate" the collection. 9659003] " One of our concerns," said Cameron in a statement, "was that the collection be separated, sold to private companies if the courts that declare bankruptcy allow the company to sell it piece by 19659003] According to him, the artifacts belong to the "World Heritage" and constitute an "incredible part of history", so it would be a pity that they end up in private hands, out of sight of the

By the time we raised it, the idea has become a dream, but I think we have very good opportunities (to get there), "says Cameron, who believes that the return of the collection will stimulate the economy and tourism in Northern Ireland.

The center Belfast Titanic remember, since its opening in 2012, it has become a "known tourist attraction in the whole world: "I do not know of any better in right for most artifacts ". [19659003] "We feel responsible because we want to publicize his story, honor the deceased and tragedy." I visited the site of the sinking (in 1995) to shoot Titanic, but I left with the feeling that the purpose was greater than telling the story by all means.After the Titanic enters your life, it does not go away easily, "says Cameron

The popular collection is owned by an American company that recently declared bankruptcy.

National Maritime, National Museums of Northern Ireland, Titanic Foundation and Center Titanic Belfast hope their initiative will serve to "preserve the heritage" of the famous ship, whose maiden voyage to New York was interrupted in the early morning of April 15, 1912 after hitting an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland. New EFE


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