Jesús González Ramírez on a criminal complaint against El Bronco


After the presidential election in Mexico, the former independent candidate, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, 'El Bronco & # 39; faces new complaint

Members of the Ahora Nuevo León platform appeared before the anti-corruption prosecutor to request the opening of criminal proceedings against the former presidential candidate and current governor of Nuevo León for the misuse of state resources, that he has organized for the collection of signatures and the triangulation of public funds in order to obtain donations for his campaign.

Jesús González Ramírez, coordinator of the civil initiative Nuevo Nuevo León, spoke to NTN24 about the complaint and said that "this simulation of Rodríguez Calderon is that he gives up public funding and "only uses private money, in theory of private money, because the INE and the Electoral Tribunal did an investigation and verified that Jaime Rodríguez Calderó" We ask the Prosecutor's Office anti-corruption of the state of Nuevo León to also turn to the criminal sphere because it can not be left inside the country. "

impunity to pay a electoral fine for electoral crimes, there must be a penal consequence. "

Writing NTN24

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