Jihadists prevent displaced people from leaving in southern Syria


The jihadist army Jaled Bin Walid linked to the Islamic State (EI), prevented today the departure of many civilians who wanted to flee the area controlled by their fighters, south Syria where the army troops are preparing to launch an offensive

According to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, this group jihadist , which controls 6.6 percent of the southern province of Deraa, has begun blocking civilians after the departure of more than 10,000 people in the past 24 hours.

This ban has provoked the "anger" of civilians who fear that forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Asad and the Russian army will start a military campaign against Khaled Bin's jihadists Walid, especially after the arrival of reinforcements of government troops in the region, according to the NGO

. the jihadists These new measures have allowed the departure of some 10,000 civilians to the Golan Heights occupied by Israel. According to the Observatory, civilians have also fled to the neighboring province of Quneitra.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that the number of displaced persons increased from 4,000 to 10,000 in the last hours

. Three quarters of Deraa, after June 19, launched an offensive against factions of the armed opposition in the region, where also operates the army of Khaled Bin Walid. EFE

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