Joe Biden exclusive NTN24 during Concord Summit 2018


Former US Vice President UU Joe Biden met with NTN24 at the Concordia Summit on Peace Progress in Colombia with the support of the US Union and said he did not believe "that this administration has South America as a priority."

Regarding the increase in coca production, Biden said that "what will happen is that the progress that this administration can make will have a significant impact on whether or not it is maintained. bipartisan support, because the president has already threatened to cut off aid to Colombia, which would be a disaster. "

Biden ruled out the military option to resolve the crisis in Venezuela and added that "We in the Lima Group must be more forceful in imposing more sanctions identifying individuals responsible for human rights violations, sanctioning them, advancing humanitarian aid and putting regional pressure on the same. , Biden rejected the violence that exists in Nicaragua and stressed that "there should be essentially a regional and international response against the Ortegas, he and his wife are the reason"

Regarding the situation Separation of undocumented families on the southern border of his country, Biden criticized the actions of the Trump administration and added that "the idea of ​​separation simply goes against all what we defend. "

The former vice president also referred to the Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki on Monday and noted that" the idea of ​​suggesting that our relations are false and is the fault the United States. UU and the idea of ​​a moral equivalence of Putin's conduct (…) is simply below the behavior of a president, we are not. "

Finally, the former vice president did not rule out a possible nomination for the presidency of his country in 2020 but for the time being he badured that he" focuses on how to choose a Democratic Congress. "

Editorial NTN24

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