Jorge Volpi, a 50-year-old writer between the keys of the sun and


"I act as a conductor almost every day in sheer loneliness," Volpi confides in an interview with Efe for his 50th birthday, which he will celebrate next Tuesday.

Although he is one of the most recognized Spanish-speaking authors and this year he won the Alfaguara Prize with "A Criminal Novel", The great dream of Volpi was to devote himself to music. Even in one of his essays, he says that one would have an immortal soul in exchange for a destiny of conductor.

"Music is my pbadion, although I do not play any instrument. Teenager, I took guitar lessons and I do not remember it, "he recounts in a confession over his half-century

Volpi writes his books as musical works and would like to think that some are like pieces of music .. camera, others like symphony and third like operas: "One of them would seem a requiem for my father (Review of my father). I always think in musical terms, in this sense "A criminal novel" would be an oratorio. "

The author thinks that the pbadage of time also has advantages because the literature tells the human experience, and as long as there are more experiences. [19659006SittingintheSouthMexicoofficewhereheservesascoordinatorofUNAM'sculturalbroadcast Volpi talks about his relationship with books.He says that "Thus spoke Zarathustra", from Nietzsche, he changed his life, but the novel that he would have liked to write is "Doktor Faustus" by Thomas Mann, because he brings together the pbadion of music and moral and political reflection.

] "Among the clbadics I did not read Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. It was one of my father's favorite books, he always told me to read it but I did not do it by rebellion. Maybe I should read it now for my 50th birthday, "he says.

The essayist also learns to read at the age of five and although he is a teenager, He demonstrates talent for writing at the age of 30. Winning with the novel " In Search of Klingsor" The Short Price Library.

"This was before and after my literary life. Before that, I was a doctoral student in Spain with a normal life and this award radically changed my life, "he admits.

Jorge Volpi decided as a 50th anniversary gift to spend a year without writing. When he's not like that, he gets up early, takes a bath and goes to his bike shop, where he works in the morning.

He accepts the game to imagine the literary characters to whom he would like to speak Serenus Zeitblom, the narrator of "Doktor Faustus", and Natasha Rostova, of "War and Peace" of Tolstoy

"One is an old man who saw all things the terrible war of the twentieth century and in particular the war, in the other case it is the young woman whose world changes radically, who will mature in a hurry because of the war. I think that they would be interesting. "

Volpi is a polyglot who speaks English, French, Italian and Spanish and can read in Spanish, French, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian and vaguely in German.

I have read versions in different languages ​​of Kafka 's metamorphosis, but unlike other writers, I do not like to reread. "

A member of the so – called" crack generation ", the author defends the idea of ​​Carlos Fuentes, who said that to be a good novelist, you need a talent of 10% and a breech of 90%, in reference to the hours devoted to work.

At 50, Jorge Volpi He feeds the child that he was with a collection of robots, but his most childish act is played between the keys of the sun and the fa when in his studio he gives life to the leader who lives inside.

"I've always wanted to write novels where music is in the center and not just in the periphery – I do not know if it will be next but I would like to do it," he says. he. EFE

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