Juan Guaidó has not "self-proclaimed" – La República EC


Miguel Henrique Otero

Miguel Henrique Otero
Madrid Spain

They insist on repeating journalists and media who Juan Guaidó was "self-proclaimed" president in charge of the Republic of Venezuela. They insist against the legal and political support that shows exactly that, far from being self-proclaimed, Guaidó, constrained by his responsibilities as President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, without giving up this position, should also badume the function President in charge of the Bolivarian Republic. from Venezuela.

I will summarize below what lawyers of the stature of Allan Brewer Carías have explained with irrefutable clarity and rigor. The starting point to continue to ignore is that on January 10, 2019, Venezuela was found without a constitutionally elected president for the period 2019-2025. Indeed, the May 20 elections were illegal, illegitimate and fraudulent. The first place, they were not convened by the National Electoral Council, in accordance with the Constitution, but by the National Constituent Assembly, in turn, also an illegal, illegitimate and fraudulent organization. Those who repeat that Guaidó is self-proclaimed forget that Smartmatic, the company responsible for the electronic voting system, has denounced the results presented by the National Electoral Council did not correspond to what their machines represented. The vote was inflated to mask the huge abstention that occurred when the rejection of an extra-judicial summons, so irreversible and ineffective.

The National Assembly itself, while Guaidó was not yet president, said Maduro's alleged re-election "nonexistent". On May 22, 2018, two days after the start of the farce, the document published by the National Assembly warned that the process "did not comply with all the electoral guarantees recognized in the treaties and agreements on the rights the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Organic Law on Electoral Processes, taking into account the effective Electoral Arbitrator: breach of effective safeguards for the exercise of the right to vote and for the right to elect elected officials; the absence of effective controls against acts of electoral corruption perpetrated by the government itself, the systematic violation of freedom of expression, coupled with the partiality of government-controlled social media, and the lack of effective and transparent election observation mechanisms. "

The National Assembly also noted that under Articles 333 and 350 of the Constitution, voters "had decided to reject, ignore and not validate" the prank, despite all the pressure exercised by the government, through the structure. bureaucratic-paramilitary, which tried to force citizens to participate. On May 20, the huge political rejection that this farce caused in Venezuelan society became evident.

On May 22, the foundations of what was to follow were established:

A: The Assembly declared the prank perpetrated on May 20, 2018 non-existent. Two: He did not know the results announced by the National Electoral Council on the supposed re-election of Maduro; Three: He did not recognize any act of proclamation and swearing. Once again, on November 13, 2018, the National Assembly confirmed that, as of January 10, 2019, Maduro would launch the usurpation, not having been elected, all his actions would be ineffective.

In the face of these unprecedented violations in the history of Venezuela, the National Assembly has been forced to act and apply in the same way what is established in Article 233 of the Constitution, which states: case of absolute lack of the elected president before taking possession, a new universal election, direct and secret will be held within 30 consecutive days.While the new president is elected and takes office, the president of the National Assembly will responsible for the presidency of the Republic. "

Mature, devoid of any legitimacy, commits another illegal act more: he was sworn, on January 10, before another illegitimate entity, the Supreme Court of Justice, an event which, by itself, acknowledges its impossibility to comply the requirement required by the Constitution to be sworn in before the National Assembly. On the same day, the National Assembly declared itself urgent due to the breakdown of the constitutional thread. In his speech, Guaidó warned that there was no head of state or commander-in-chief of the armed forces in Venezuela.

Then, on January 15, the National Assembly, "the only legitimate authority and representative of the Venezuelan people," made the decision to restore constitutional order: it officially declared the usurpation of the presidency of the Republic by Nicolás Maduro Moros, reprimanded overturns the alleged acts of the Government and has taken measures to put an end to the usurpation, including by initiating a transition and making possible the calling of free elections.

I insist: talking about "self-proclamation" equates to misinformation. It's also a way to join Maduro's campaign to ignore the legitimacy of Guaidó. And more, it is to propose to the Putin robots engaged by the Chavez government to overwhelm the message networks that repeat the expression "self-proclaimed Guaidó".


  • Miguel Henrique Otero is president and editor-in-chief of the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional.
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