Judge Lava Jato revokes Lula's release and keeps him in prison


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva at a meeting of the leadership of his workers party in Sao Paulo on January 25, 2018. Lula says that he will again represent himself despite the fact that a court of appeals have upheld his conviction for a bribery case and that he has six more lawsuits to come. Lula, 72, keeps her popularity intact because she has helped many people get out of poverty. "At the end of the day, they are all thieves, Lula is the least evil," said a supporter. (AP Photo / Andre Penner)

Sao Paulo, July 8 (EFE) .- Judge João Gebran Neto, instructor of the Lava Jato case in a second instance court, revoked today. the "immediate" liberation order by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva issued by another magistrate and decided to keep the former Brazilian president in prison.

Gebran Neto is one of the three judges who make up the eighth chamber of the Regional Regional Court of the Fourth Region (TRF-4) of Porto Alegre, court which sentenced Lula in second instance to 12 years and one month for pbadive bribery and money laundering .

The magistrate blocked the decision taken a few hours earlier by the federal judge Rogerio Favreto, also of second instance, who granted this Sunday Lula a "habeas corpus" requested by the deputies of the Party of Workers (PT), a training led by the former president. 19659004] In a car, Gebran N Eto determined that the Federal Police of Paraná, at whose headquarters Lula is imprisoned since last April, "refrains from practicing any act that modifies the collegial decision" of the eighth hall of TRF-4.

Thus, the decision of Gebran Neto left ineffective the order of freedom granted hours earlier to Lula "immediately" by Magistrate Rogerio Favreto.

Favreto abruptly complied today with an appeal filed by PT deputies, who they argued that there was no place for the imprisonment of their leader maximum and also asked that he be released to participate in the campaign events before the presidential elections of next October.

Lula, imprisoned since April 7 to serve a 12-year sentence and 1 month for pbadive bribery and money laundering reiterated his presidential candidacy for the presidential elections of next October, despite and he is practically disqualified after having been sentenced in second instance, as stipulated in the electoral law.

After the decision, Federal Judge Sergio Moro, who sentenced Lula in first instance to 9 years and 6 months in prison, entered the legal battle and stated in a car written from Portugal that Rogerio Favreto is "absolutely incompetent "to order the release of Lula.

Lula is in prison at the headquarters of the federal police in Curitiba, capital of the state of Paraná (south), accused of having received an apartment from the construction company OAS in exchange for To offer benefits with contracts with the state oil company Petrobras. EFE

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