Juncker will meet Trump to try to avoid a trade war – La República EC


ARCHIVE The President of EE. The United States, Donald J. Trump, is holding a presidential national security memorandum on Iran that he has just signed at the White House diplomatic reception hall today, Tuesday, May 8. 2018, in Washington (United States). Trump said today that Israel's recently submitted archives are "definitive proof" that Iran lied when it said its nuclear program had peaceful aims. "At the heart of the agreement with Iran was a great fiction: that a murderous regime only wanted a peaceful nuclear energy program. Today, we have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie, "said Trump in announcing the withdrawal of the United States. of the nuclear deal with Iran in 2015. EFE / Michael Reynolds

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker is traveling to Washington today for meet with US President Donald Trump, an attempt to de-stress transatlantic relations, which go through their lowest hours because of commercial tariffs.

Juncker will arrive in the United States tomorrow accompanied by his trade commissioner, Cecilia Malsmtröm to make the umpteenth defense of a free and fair trade and to engage in a constructive dialogue, but without any concrete offer of negotiation as the United States Government would like.

Since Trump came to Blanca, the United States has become a much more unpredictable partner for the European Union, but the unprecedented confrontation surrounding the visit began with the imposition of tariffs on European imports of steel and aluminum on June 1st. [19659003L] EUaripostedwithproprostartiesonamericanproductsandfromtheituationnothavegivenandrelatedtobecomefacilitarecommercial marketplace for the economy

Trump threatened to apply a tariff 25% of Community vehicle imports have redoubled its attacks against Germany – its favorite European target – for its surplus and its relations with Russia, have criticized the EU for having fined Google and given a turn to its demands for greater expenditure in the defense.

The Republican leader, who lured the EU from "the enemy", tweeted today: "countries that have treated us unfairly in commerce for years comes to Washington to negotiate (…) better late than never! "

In this context, Brussels insists that there will be no offer on the table, although the voices multiply since Germany they ask to negotiate to avoid tariffs on cars that would harm them more than any other member, since 28.4% of their exports to the United States are vehicles.

The EU as a whole sells vehicles and parts Nearly 50,000 million euros for the United States, the main destination of these exports.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was "opened" last week to negotiate lower tariffs on US vehicles, but warned that this is possible with the support of the entire EU and only can be granted exclusively to the United States because it violates the rules of the WTO.

Confederation of German Industry Asked Trump and Juncker But United States Trade Secretary Steven Mnuchin made it clear to the G20 that he did not believe that the states United States will put an end to the escalation. tariffs will undermine the growth of their country and have launched an offer to negotiate a "no tariffs", "fair and reciprocal" free trade agreement between the EU and the United States.

However, Brussels and other capitals fear that would be to negotiate "with a gun in the temple" in the words of the French Minister of Finance, Bruno Le Maire, for whom "the trade war has already been declared".

For Juncker, the EU must reach agreements "well weighed and without throwing himself into the first weapons that would strangle us."

In this climate of mutual mistrust, the expectations of the visit are low and the Commission is already preparing the answer to the eventual

"There is not much optimism about the result (…) .The US is challenging the EU on many fronts and will continue to do so with this president, "says badyst of the German Marshall Fund's center, Rosa Balfour, who believes the This will not convince Trump because his intentions go beyond trade. 19659003] "Any rational argument is irrelevant from his point of view.The US auto industry is not in favor of what it proposes, but it speaks to his electoral base and attack Germany " he said in statements to Efe.

The EU's short-term strategy is to defer the maximum imposition of tariffs without violating its red lines in trade, but the "next step" must be "take the # 39, Germany out of the line of fire " according to this expert.

The head of the Socialists in the European Parliament, Udo Bullman, have largely summarized the fear today in Brussels: "Let's hope the meeting is more than another exhibition in the world. US president's habit of antagonizing his friends " said in a statement. EFE

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