Justice has sentenced a woman after posting on Facebook. Moreno offers his forgiveness – La República EC


Sara Velástegui (D). Photo taken from the Internet.

Sara Velástegui, 29, had never imagined that by making a publication in Facebook, where she denounces alleged irregularities of her personal account, the Ecuadorian justice would sentence her to 40 days in prison. President Lenin Moreno He badured that he would forgive the young woman.

Velástegui recounts in his mail the alleged irregularities of the rector of the University of Ambato, Galo Naranjoand hiring as advisor to the former president of the Conseil de la magistrature, Paulo Rodríguez Molina.

On June 13, the young woman explained:

The judge Sandro Pérez, Ambato's Judicial Offenses Unit, sentenced the past 21 to 40 days in jail, in addition to the request for public apology and payment of $ 386, as a result of the Action interposed by the rector against Velasteguí for "attack on honor".

The young woman appealed and ratified the sanction with the Tungurahua Criminal Court, which dismissed the appeal on 23 October. Velasteguí He went to court this Tuesday, November 27th.

This case opened the debate on what is the freedom of expression.

The president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, in flagrant contradiction with the Ecuadorian justice, decided to give his pardon to Velasteguí.

"I have arranged for the ministry of @Justicia_Ec to prepare the report in order to give way to Sara Velástegui's forgiveness.We are a government that protects the freedom of expression and that fights against corruption. We always defend the freedom of thought of all Ecuadorians! "Said the president.

Edison Lanza, rapporteur of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on freedom of expression, also spoke about the case. Velasteguí demonstrates that "Ecuador must change the crime of insults," says El Telégrafo.

He also stated that prison sentences for reporting or commenting on issues of interest were inconsistent with Article 13 of the American Convention on Freedom of Thought and Expression.


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