Juventus recovered half of Cristiano's signature with the sale of his shirts


Source: StudioFĂștbol

The signature of Cristiano Ronaldo by Juventus surprised the majority of fans of the Italian club and Real Madrid despite the fact that in the press of both countries he spoke a lot. Frequency of transfer of the Portuguese

And it is that the captain of the Portuguese national team has not yet arrived in Italy and has already generated millions for the Turin club.

In about 24 hours the Turin club has recorded a total of 520,000 Portuguese shirts sold, each shirt costs 105 euros and if we multiply by the total sales this gives us about 55 million euros, plus or less than half of what the 'Vecchia Segnora & # 39; was paying for the CR7. [19659005]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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