Kaviedes was arrested in Guayaquil for alimony


Source: El Comercio

Ex-footballer Jaime Iván Kaviedes was arrested for allegedly failing to pay child support. The procedure takes place in the North Judicial Unit 1 of Family, Women, Childhood and Adolescence in Guayaquil. Thus, according to the trial number 09952-2014-0170, the ballot was issued on July 5 and entered into force in the main port.

Angelica Carranza is the person who initiated the lawsuit. The trial details, in the relevant part of the vote, that: "the system has been revised, where it is verified that the defendant (Kaviedes) owes alimony from February 2014 to July 2018, plus additional pensions; that has been channeled into what is determined in Article 137 replaced by the Constitutional Court, therefore it is ordered to rotate the corresponding ballot. " No value is detailed.

The trial began in 2014 when the player was at La Liga de Loja. For now, Kaviedes is looking for lawyers to deal with the legal problem. The football player has been in the last 10 days in Guayaquil in various activities.

According to the pictures of his detention, Kaviedes wore a white T-shirt and a white cap. In one of the last programs where Kaviedes gave an interview, he said that he had seven children and asked that we do not talk about his private life. The author of the goal of the first ranking of Ecuador at a World Cup participated in some neighborhood football tournaments. In 1998, Jaime Iván scored 43 goals in the Ecuadorian football championship

Text, from Diario EL COMERCIO.

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