Klopp points to Ramos to explain Karius' failures



Source: AS

The performance of Liverpool goalkeeper, Loris Karius in the final of the last Champions League, which won The Real Madrid (3-1), was conditioned "one hundred percent" by a blow that he received in the head, said today coach "Network" Jurgen Klopp.

Speaking to the British media, The German coach said the mistakes made by his goal in the first and third goal of the Spanish team were the result of the concussion that caused him a shock with Sergio Ramos.

The white defender's elbow hit Karius, 25, trying to shoot in the zone, when the final result played last May in Kiev was still a draw, recalled Klopp.

Five days after the match, tests on the goalkeeper in an American clinic indicated that they existed "26 or 30 sign" explained Liverpool coach, who clarified that he did not want to use these tests as an "excuse" for defeat, but as "an explanation".

"For me, explain to the hundred percent of his performance, he was influenced by this blow, it is certain" Klopp, who had not spoken up to To now on this issue.

Karius is summoned with the rest of the team to play this Saturday a pre-season match against Chester City, in order to leave behind this controversy and reinforce it as Liverpool's goal after the received criticism for the errors of this final.

"From this point of view, for my part, all is well, we no longer think about it and we start from scratch" the German coach finished.

The goal scored the first goal of the final "Champions" trying to get the ball with his hand, but the striker Karin Benzema took advantage of his proximity in the area to put the leg and divert the network.

Madrid's third goal was scored by Gareth Bale with a long-range shot that the Liverpool goalkeeper brought in his own goal to try to clear it. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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