Korea and Brazil have shown interest in Aníbal Chalá


Source: StudioFútbol

Aníbal Chalá, footballer of the University Sports League of Quito, spoke with his colleagues from RADIO COVERAGE 104.1FM on his current moment and raised the possibility that

Centered on the local tournament, he commented: "If we start with the same enthusiasm as we started the season, we can be champions, let's hope we can be champions directly."

From the fall to the Last Sunday's pool, he said: "The team that played did not know each other, it was like a practice, but it will help us work together, now from scratch and everything will be final." [19659005] "Everyone will be a tough opponent – the 11 teams that did not win the first stage will want to fight now and play a final," he added, ensuring that the next phase of the competition will be very hard. 659002] From a possible start, he said: They were formal. I have the illusion of going out again. I have a rematch outside and that's what I'm looking for. "

" There was an offer from Korea, it was the most formal. And there was also a chance in Brazil. It was missing that Don Esteban (Paz) authorized him, he saw that it was the most important, "he added.

" The one in Korea sounds good so far. It would be a difficult experience, but in the short time I was there and the desire that I have, I know I will overcome them. I told Paz that I would like to leave, "said Chalá

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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