Lamentable: frustrated racism player signing in Russia


Source: StudioFĂștbol

The Torpedo Club of Moscow, second division, formalizes the signature of the 19-year-old defender Erving Botaka-Yoboma, of Congolese origin but his supporters in a hurry to back down. The reason?

The footballer was born in Russia but he has his African ancestors and unfortunately he had to suffer abuse of racism by ultra-radical Muscovite cadres, less than a week after the World Cup, where there was an integration message.

"We can have black in our colors, but our alignments are white, if they do not respect our traditions, we will see who regrets them", was the threatening statement of the fans.

In view of this, Roman Avdeyev, owner of the club, criticized the attitude. "There are no color criteria in our signatures", but he gave up recruiting Botaka-Yoboma, whose minor divisions were in the Lokomotiv.

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