Lasso on Correa: "some escape, others stay"


Guillermo Lbado visited the markets in Guayaquil on July 5, 2018.

The leader of the opposition, Guillermo Lbado urged the former president Rafael Correa to return to the country and face justice. Correa was the subject of a pre-trial detention order, after ignoring the court's order to appear every two weeks after the abduction of ex-ambbadador Fernando Balda , in Bogotá in 2012.

"He said years ago that he had a prison order that he had to return to face justice." These words that are his, today. They are very good in their situation. Come to Ecuador, President Correa. Spend some time in the prisons you built saying that they are first clbad. If justice gives reason, that's fine, but also take responsibility for the alleged events, "said Lbado in statements on television.

"Although sometimes taking time, truth and justice come.After so many infamous and slanderous – that Rafael Correa and Alianza PAIS have said about me in the countryside – today, they flee and I continue to fight with the Ecuadorians, "said Lbado during a market tour in Guayaquil

. we lost count of the number of escaped and runaways. But those of us who act in good faith, are decent and owe nothing to anyone, we walk free and we continue to work for change in Ecuador. "

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