Laura Restrepo and Guadalupe Nettel join the FIL of Lima 2018 – La República CE


Lima.- The Colombian writer Laura Restrepo and the Mexican Guadalupe Nettel in will attend the twenty-third edition of the International Book Fair (FIL) in Lima, to be held from 20 as of July 5, their organizers informed today in a statement

With Alfonso Restrepo, the Alfaguara Prize in 2004 for his novel " Delirio", will also be in the FIL of Lima his writers compatriots Luis Muñoz, Luis Miguel Rivas and Juan Diego Gómez, the poet Lucía Estrada, the illustrators Amalia Andrade and Jim Pluk and the "booktuber" Juliana Zapata.

For its part, Nettel, Herralde award in 2014 for his novel "After the winter" will be at the literary fair of Lima after not being able to witness the past as part of the large delegation from Mexico, who was the guest of honor, although he attended the third in November . Festival of Arequipa. [19659003] In the company of Nettel, the authors Margo Glantz and Mario Bellatin, the journalist and essayist Fernanda Melchor, the essayist and publisher Gerardo Villa del Ángel, founder of the publishing house Sexto Piso, Eduardo Rabasa, will also be present at the FIL. the writer and lecturer César Lozano

In this edition the guest country is Spain, whose delegation will be composed of 47 authors, among them Rosa Montero, Laura Freixas, Sergio del Molino, Marta Sanz, Ray Loriga, Jesús Marchamalo, María Arnal and Marcos Giralt Torrente, and will exhibit about 500 titles in a pavilion of 300 square meters

FIL will pay tribute this year to the Peruvian writer Fernando Ampuero , who will receive the prize of the competition for his extensive career in various genres such as history, novel, theater, essay, chronic and poetry. EFE

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