Lázaro Guiérrez on the role of the Church in crisis in Nicaragua


Lázaro Gutiérrez, representative of the Archdiocese of Managua, spoke with NTN24 about the role of the Catholic Church in the crisis in Nicaragua and stated that "the Church as mediator and witness, who is the term that the bishops have chosen to participate in the national dialogue, what they do is to collect the feelings of the people and do not make a specific proposal. "

" The proposal for an advance of the Elections and work at the electoral commission are not ideas of the Episcopal Conference, idea of ​​the population, the Civil Alliance and the Dialogue Table, "added Gutiérrez.

Similarly, Gutiérrez added that "the bishops have clearly said that the dialogue is still alive, they do not withdraw despite having the necessary conditions for dialogue."

"We can see the wear and tear physical, one can feel, but the fatigue of the spirit of Nicaragua and what characterizes it in its general sense is the peaceful demonstration This has not been done for three months, you can not kill him " Gutierrez concluded.

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