LeBron James negotiates to play in a comedy for Paramount


Los Angeles (USA), (EFE) .- The brand new Los Angeles Lakers player from the NBA LeBron James negotiates to make a comedy for the Paramount studio, as revealed today. by the specialized media Variety.

Until the discussions are the star of the film, what is confirmed is that James will be the producer of this comedy, through his company SpringHill Entertainment, and Steve Mallory

This would not be the first time James has been in front of the cameras since he started playing with a supporting role in "Trainwreck" (2015), ] a comedy performed and performed by Amy Schumer and directed by Judd Apatow.

After losing the last NBA Final to Golden State Warriors, James left the Cleveland Cavaliers and recently signed by The An Geles Lakers with whom he signed for four seasons and $ 154 million.

In addition to sports incentives, James' incorporation to the Los Angeles team has also been interpreted as an attempt by the basketball player to boost his Hollywood career.

His production company SpringHill Entertainment, co-founded with his friend Maverick Carter, signs an agreement with the studio Warner Bros. in 2015 to collaborate on project development.

SpringHill Launches the Series ] "Survivor & # 39; s Remorse" on Starz, produces the documentary on sport "Becoming" for Disney, tries his luck with the animated series "The LeBrons "and gives birth to a show for NBC called" The Wall ".

Among his future projects highlights the "remake" of the comedy " House Party" (1990) and, most importantly, the new version of "Space Jam" (1996), the famous star-studded film Michael Jordan and that, on this occasion, James would go. EFE

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