Lin-Manuel Miranda says he must review the scenario of "Hamilton" in P.Rico – La República EC


"I still have to memorize my lines.There are a lot of lines, but it's my fault as a writer," said Miranda at a press conference at the M of Arte of Puerto Rico (MAPR), where he announced the creation of the F Flamboyan Ondo for the Arts, in badociation with the Flamboyán Foundation, located on l & # 39; island.

Miranda adds that since the announcement of the presentation of "Hamilton" in Puerto Rico from April 8 to 27, in January 2019, several Latin American musicians, including Puerto Rican artists Anthony Ramos and Ryan Vázquez, l & # Called to participate in the island.

"It is so that Puerto Ricans are the best," says the 38-year-old artist. and creator of this musical that deals with the life of Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the United States.

The presentation in Puerto Rico will be the sixth production of "Hamilton", having made it in several cities in the United States and Lon dres.

The other theaters where the work was exhibited are in Chicago, New York, Washington DC and San Francisco.

For the presentation at the UPR-RP Theater, at least 500 people attended the auditions last June to participate in the play.

" We have seen so much talent.I am very optimistic to have local talent to do the work, but otherwise, but to continue to visit the other theater," Miranda said. .

On the creation of the Flamboyan Fund, which coincides with the return of Miranda to the lead role in "Hamtilon", will be dedicated to supporting institutions and artistic groups, as a plan to continue the reconstruction of Puerto Rico after the pbadage of Hurricane Maria.

At this time, five institutions have already been selected to benefit from this fund: the MAPR will receive $ 1 million for its educational program, the UPR will receive another million for the reconstruction of the theater, while that the CREARTE organization will receive $ 600,000, the Andanza dance company 300,000 and the theater group And there was no light "180,000.

All proceeds from the season of the musical "Hamilton" in Puerto Rico will be deposited to the Flamboyan Fund.

To maintain access to the In the arts, there will be 9,600 tickets available for the "Hamilton" functions in Puerto Rico, which will be drawn randomly through a digital lottery at ten dollars each.

Similarly, the Marriott International corporation will contribute to the fund a portion of the revenue accrued for each hotel room in its 11 properties in Puerto Rico rented from December 2018 [ad_2]
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