López Obrador reiterates the austerity measures in Mexico


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador EFE

Mexico (EFE) .- The next president of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated today that austerity his government and the fight against corruption will lead to an economy of 500,000 million pesos (about 26,427 million dollars), which will go to social programs.

"We will release for development around 500 000 million pesos because we must fulfill the commitments.We will double the pension of the elderly and guarantee them the right to study and work 2.6 million young people, "said the leftist after meeting his future cabinet

.National Regeneration (Brunette) which will take office on December 1, affirmed that" all that is saved "will be in" benefit for the people "

Explained that this Sunday will publish more details of Republican Plan of Austerity which will mean an" adjustment "of the administrative structures to fulfill the electoral promises.

Although. he did not give much more information about this, he badured that the basic workers and unionized workers will only be affected by the savings plan that will impact especially in the"High bureaucracy", resulting in the increase of current expenditure in the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018).

The process of territorial decentralization of ministries, which will begin gradually and will not seek to affect employees.

The ultimate goal of this action, he said, is to ensure that public investment reaches the entire territory.

] López Obrador met several of his future ministers, such as Olga Sánchez Cordero of Gobernación, Graciela Márquez of Economía or Alfonso Durazo of Public Security

Addressing the press after leaving the meeting, Sánchez Cordero informed that the secretariat under his leadership would grow from 7 to 3 under-secretaries, as part of the austerity plan.

In this way, there will be an under-secretary of the Interior. an under-secretariat for citizen participation, participatory democracy and civil organizations; and an under-secretariat for human rights, population and migration, which will be of particular importance.

In addition, it would create Public Security, in charge of Alfonso Durazo, that will make disappear the National Commission of Security (CNS), that also included the Secretariat of Gobernación.

Durazo told the press that the National Investigation and Security Center would disappear (Cisen) and a new national intelligence agency will be created.

Although the future president does not specify much more on the austerity plan, in the media it was leaked Saturday that he would save up to 132,000 million pesos (about 7,000

The austerity plan is composed of 50 points, some of which are already known, and includes the reduction of wages and benefits of the federal public administration by about half.

stresses the reduction of 70% of the staff of confidence and 70% of the operating expenses, according to this document disclosed.

The salary will fall also in half of the cases and will seek the elimination of the obligations, the non – acquisition of new vehicles or limitation of travel expenses

Certain trips abroad will be canceled and officials will not have bodyguards except public security.

in d & # 's Others, it is proposed to reduce by 50% the millions of dollars of advertising from the federal government and prohibiting private meetings between officials and contractors. EFE (I)

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