Luis Urzúa on Thai children trapped in a cave


July 06 2018, 07:37

Luis Urzúa, one of the Chilean miners who was rescued in 2010 after 69 days of hiding, spoke with NTN24 about Thai children who remain trapped in a cave. [19659003] Luis Urzúa, one of the Chilean miners rescued in 2010 after 69 days of hiding, spoke with NTN24 about Thai children who remain trapped in a cave and said that " what matters most is that they speak young, speak and be spiritually and physically united so that they have more strength. "

" The authorities will do their utmost to save and we hope that they will also ask for help, as our president did at the time.But the most important thing is that families be united for this rescue to be a success, "added the miner.

Urzúa also spoke of his experience and said that "the anxiety and not knowing how the rescue was going on outside also led us to have enough hallucinations."

But "we as workers, as human beings, We met and prayed a lot underground to ask God that the people working outside do not leave us there."

editorial NTN24

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