Managua and León wake Ortega from his dream of victory – La República EC


Some 5,000 people take part in the "Mockery March", led by the burlesque characters Gigantonas and Pepe el Cabezón, which took place today, Saturday, July 28, 2018, and where they were makes representations in a burlesque tone against the Executive, in León (Nicaragua). EFE / Esteban Biba

Managua / Leon (Nicaragua), 28 July. After several days of shy demonstrations, open aversion and fear of government actions, Nicaraguans have found their place on the streets of Managua and León. , where some 20,000 people once again demanded the resignation of the president Daniel Ortega who proclaimed several times his "victory" against his opponents.

But the counter-march organized by Sandinism at the same time and in a place close to the autoconvocados, which involved some 5,000 people in support of the continuity of the president, did not intimidate the capital anti-government, which quadrupled the number and reminded the president that victory will be the people.

" Says (Ortega) that he won the victory before us he calls us coup leaders and terrorists, but those whom he insults, we tell him that Nicaragua is Nicaraguan and that there Katya Guzman, student at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), told Acan-efe

"I think that Ortega is mistaken and believes his own lies, which are the same as he tells his followers to have bound them and their orders, "added the young woman, who explained that she was for days without giving her a True identity, but "I'm not afraid anymore, I will not stop fighting for a better life. "

About 15,000 people in Managua and about 5,000 in León, mostly young people who appeared to have swallowed the land since the government cracked down on them and threatened anyone who violated their mandate, again raise their voices and shout for peace and justice.

The "children", aware that they could suffer the same fate as the other youths killed by the hands of the "combined forces" g Police, paramilitaries, paramilitaries and riot police hid for several days, but their reluctance to change their country took them back to the streets to continue their struggle.

While the autoconvocados participated on the march, organized as a sign of support for the bishops for their role in the context of the demonstrations as mediators in the national dialogue between the government and the Civic Alliance , the Sandinistas insisted, with popular songs, that "the commander remains"

Between a red and black sea formed by the flags of the Sandinista National Front of Liberation (FSLN), banners with slogans for love and peace, usual proclamation of Ortega and his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo ] the protesters refused to recognize the deaths that various human rights organizations attribute to the government.

Carlos Daniel Gámez, demonstrator Sandinista, who He alluded to the autoconvocados "coup coupes", told Efe that the Nicaraguans who have been killed since the beginning of the demonstrations against Ortega, "killed each other strategy to remove the commander of power " thus denying the charges to the Government.

The day of the demonstrations finished its purpose in the locality of Leon, with denominated "March of the mockery" where representations in the burlesque tone against the Executive were made.

A march involving some 5,000 people, led by the burlesque characters Gigantonas and Pepe el Cabezón, the demonstrators jokingly claimed freedom and peace in the country and, basically, for the immediate march of Daniel Ortega of power

With music, popular characters and songs, as if it were a holiday, the inhabitants, the inhabitants of one of the most punished cities of Nicaragua by death and violence since the beginning of the revolts, without losing the mood vigorously claimed, until it begins to get dark, the respect of human rights and justice with the fallen.

"Today we find the lost presence and the fear that at certain moments seized us, we can not deny it, there was fear and fear of more than death and more violence, but we repeat it in a loud voice: here we are Daniel Go now ", tells to Efe Rodrigo Cabrera, a young man from Sutiaba district

The" kid ", who relies on his "faith in God" says that "it will be he (God) who will judge". Ortega and all those who triggered death by sowing death in the name of Sandinism, "but" when his time is not there, we will continue to demand his march. "

Nicaragua is going through the most bloody socio-political crisis since the 1980s following protests against the Ortega leadership that began on April 18, when they were killed between 295 and 448 people, according to various data from human rights organizations EFE

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