March support for Correa meets the police with the presidency


QUITO-ECUADOR (07/05/2018). Multitudinaria Correista march against the precautionary measures imposed on former President Rafael Correa. PHOTOS API / CRISTINA VEGA.

The streets of the center of the Ecuadorian capital were the subject of a mbadive march of support to the former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa after delivering today. to Interpol the judicial petition of arrest against him . 19659003] " Indígnate Ecuador " was the slogan that motivated thousands of exmandatario supporters to take to the streets, in a march that traveled from the central park of Arbolito and tried to reach the Plaza Grande, where the seat of the presidency is located and ran into the police checkpoints that blocked their way.

Riot police blocked protesters from two directions, and fired tear gas to chase them away.

] Gabriela Rivadeneira member of the Assembly and one of the pioneers of the political movement " Citizen Revolution ", declared that with this protest , they want not only to support Correa, sued in his country in a kidnapping case, but also to show the "betrayal" of the current president Lenin Moreno in the program of the government with him was elected in 2017, with the support of Correa.

"Moreno has turned his back on a process that must provide economic and productive responses that we now see absolutely abandoned," said the mediator at the badembly, who was leading the protest march.

"Moreno Puppet of Corrupt Law", "We are all Correa", "I do not vote for it", were some of the slogans worn by the protesters, many with Ecuadorian flags and Che Guevara hats.

Rivadeneira pointed out that it is necessary that the country starts to react to defend "its rights" and "its constitution" because according to him Ecuador suffers "d & # 39; a lack of leadership ".

With regard to the exmandatario court case, which is now under investigation by Interpol for contempt for precautionary measures, the Insurer badures them that they will go to the last international forums to support it and that the concentration is the beginning of a popular reorganization.

Walking politicians, young people, children with their mothers, young and old who, besides t-shirts, megaphones and placards, have deployed a long blue flag, according to some protesters, the new color of the day. organization that will defend the former president. 19659004] The protest also highlighted several miniature cardboard buildings depicting ministries whose current Ecuadorian government has returned thousands of people as part of a budget adjustment plan.

In this sense, the protest, according to Correa's support who refused to identify, is a "claim" of the Ecuadorian people to the way he directs Moreno

" This president delivered on a gold plate our Ecuador our homeland on the Ecuadorian right ," he said. For his part, Marcela Aguiñaga member of the Assembly and co-religionist of Rivadeneira, told Efe that the current government "betrayed the trust of the people and governs with a plan that was not He insisted that "it is the beginning of indignation, mistrust" and a fight against "the anti-popular measures that benefit to a few people and not to the majority. "

Correa, who has been living in Belgium for more than a year, has no plans to return to the country because he considers that he is a victim of political persecution and that his future now depends on the response that Interpol gives to Ecuador the request for arrest and extradition. 19659004 ] This after being criminally linked in the case of an attempt to kidnap Fernando Balda in Bogotá, in August 2012, and after s did not appear in Quito on July 2 as required by the National Court of Justice. EFE


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