Marketing or Machiavellian Politics – The EC Republic


Although several historians have baderted that the phrase "the end justifies the means" was not invented by him, his thought is included in this philosophy of life.

This thought is experienced in all areas: familiar, economic, labor, and of course, in politics. There will always be individuals who are interested only in reaching their ends, thus destroying the other, based on vile inventions and / or actions.

In this week, we Ecuadorians have observed that in local political work, Machiavelli's thought continues to conquer the consciousness of certain characters. Profiting from lies against another candidate, insulting him, violating his honor with lies are still part of the "strategies" that are applied to crush the adversary.

With disappointment I listened to the statements of the current Speaker of the National Assembly, Elizabeth Cabezas who justified the false accusations that the candidacy of Lenin Moreno made against the former candidate Guillermo Lbado during the presidential campaign of 2017, alleging that "It's a marketing." The political campaign is marketing ".

These statements highlight the disappointment many people are feeling about the Ecuadorian modus politicus. Never lie can be considered marketing, because even in this branch is also condemned advertising that tends to mislead the customer. This way of doing politics, is clbadic ten years of "Machiavellia", and the state of propaganda that lived in Ecuador.

It is unfortunate that one discovers publicly that lying is the main workhorse of a political contest. Said George C. Lichtenberg: "When those who govern lose shame, those who obey lose respect" . As a result, it only breeds greater mistrust of the officials in the campaign, and diminishes its legitimacy, because behind a platform and a microphone, what supported them was farce and deception.

This is one of the reasons why many people who possess many qualities to exercise public dignity, abstain from participating in politics, since under the pretext of "marketing", their honor may be tainted with alleged crimes or other falsehoods.

I ask Ecuadorian political actors more seriously, so that their campaigns, "are not just marketing", if not true proposals and statements, that generate trust in the voter. Enough to lie in cold blood.

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