Michel Platini, arrested in France for a corruption investigation


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Source: BBC

Michel Platini, former president of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), was arrested Tuesday in France for being questioned as part of a corruption investigation during the Qatar election for welcome the World Cup in 2022.

This arrest was part of an investigation ordered by the National Tax Office (PNF) "for acts of active and pbadive bribery," according to French media. Mediapart and The world and Reuters news agency.

In 2013, the former French footballer admitted to having participated in a secret meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minister of Qatar, Prince Tamin Hamad Al Thani.

"One day, Sarkozy invited me to a dinner in which was the Prime Minister of Qatar.During dinner, Sarkozy never asked me to vote for Qatar, he invited me to dinner but I knew that he would be independent and that he would vote for who I wanted, "Platini explained to the local weekly magazine. France Football , who discovered the case known as Qatargate.

Platini was arrested Tuesday morning in Nanterre , a town located near Paris, remains in the custody of the French authorities.

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