Miners deforested 1,700 hectares of the Peruvian Amazon between January and June – La República CE


Some 1,700 hectares of forests in the Peruvian Amazon were deforested during the first half of 2017 due to the illegal mining of gold mines in the southern Madre de Dios region, on the border of Bolivia and Brazil. of the Andean Amazon (MAAP).

Using satellite images, MAAP determined that deforestation accumulated by the activity of illegal miners in this area has reached more than 8,800 hectares since 2013, a portion of which in neighboring areas

The main Sources of deforestation are found in La Pampa, the largest illegal mining center in Peru, and in the upper Malinowski River basin, both separated by a distance of about 20 kilometers.

areas devastated during the first six years of this year are located "ironically" in the reforestation concessions and in the territory belonging to the Kotsimba indigenous community

The two enclaves lie outside the legal mining corridor and in buffer zones in the Tambopata National Reserve and Bahuaja Sonene National Park, areas adjacent to protected areas serving as transitions between the reserves and their environment. , and in which mining is also prohibited.

The MAAP, promoted by the Amazonian NGO Conservation (ACCA); Amazon Conservation, Colombia; and EcoCiencia, of Ecuador warned against the new presence of illegal miners in the same Tambopata National Reserve in this first part of the year.

However, these miners were expelled through three coordination of the National Service of the Natural Protected Areas by the State (Sernanp), the Directorate General of Captains and Coastguards (Dicapi) of the Navy and of the Prosecutor's Office specializing in environmental issues of Madre de Dios.

In addition to deforestation The illegal extraction of gold also uses heavy metals to extract gold such as mercury, with which it contaminates the rivers of the Amazon on hundreds of indigenous communities use their waters for drinking, bathing and fishing. EFE

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