Moreno and the Mayor of Madrid visit a summer camp for children – La República CE


The mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena, and the president of Ecuador Lenin Moreno, today visited the children of a summer camp in the city. School of the Republic of Venezuela, in the district of Usera, where the Ecuadorian Embbady collaborated in the workshops devoted to the culture of this country

with the district councilor of Usera District, Rommy Arce, and ambbadador of Ecuador in Spain, Cristóbal Roldán

"We want to live in a city like Madrid where no one is alien, alien.The beauty of Madrid is that all who come are friends, everyone who comes is another Madrileño, "Carmena told the children, many of whom are from Ecuador.

The mayor thanked Ecuadorian Government for collaboration in the organization of this summer camp, an activity that he said "allows us to be closer, not to make borders."

"How far are we from Ecuador ? According to the way you look at it, the sea separates us, the distance separates us, but we are close together.We speak the same language, we have a lot to to share and what is important, we love each other, "he added.

On his side, the president of Ecuador Lenin Moreno, commented: of a child "is not studying, but" to have fun and play ", whatever thing that he believes "pretty good"

"Your fundamental task is to be happy, to always have a smile on the lips," said to the children

The President encouraged the children to live "full of joy and hope" and asked them to be "sincere, loyal, modest and transparent" and "not to stop their dreams". "

" Dream and dream a lot, be inspired and inspired, learn to love knowledge, technology, science, it will be very useful to solve the problems that will arise in the future, "he added.

the students gave the president a drawing and the rosas mayor of Ecuador in an act that was animated with typical dances of the Latin American country.

Free urban camps for children of the district of Usera have learned this year about the knowledge of different continents under the motto "A summer between cultures", as pointed out the Madrid City Hall in a press release

The Embbady of Ecuador collaborated in the organization of the camps of the schools of the Republic of Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Brazil

More than 50 volunteers Ecuadorans or parents of this nationality taught two days a month in each ecuavoley center, games and songs, gastronomy, flora, fauna and geography, the native Quechua language, as well as dance and costumes, among other activities.

The camps seek "to facilitate the reconciliation of family and professional life and to take care of minors threatened with social exclusion. e school holidays in winter, Easter and summer. "

The current courses, which will continue in August and the first week of September, are open to children ages 3 to 12 and include breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks and excursions. at the municipal swimming pool

Throughout 2017 and this summer, more than 2,300 miners participated EFE

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