Moreno attends the first World Summit on Disability in London – La República CE


President Lenín Moreno. Photo taken on the website of the Presidency of the Ecuadorian Republic. June 20, 2018.

The President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno, attends London today at the First World Summit on Disability, during a three-day visit to the United Kingdom during which he will promote investment and this is also marked by the Assange case.

Moreno, who travels in a wheelchair and is a reference in the advocacy of the rights of people with disabilities, will attend the official reception on the occasion of the summit in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, in the US. is from the city, according to the agenda spread by Quito.

Tuesday, will deliver a speech at this global event, hosted by the British government with the International Alliance for Disability and the Executive of Kenya, and later meet with Argentine Vice President, Gabriela Michetti , in the only political event planned in the United Kingdom.

Ecuador badured that this visit will not address the Australian computer scientist Julian Assange, refugee at the Ecuadorian Embbady in London since 19 June 2012 , while Quito granted him political asylum to avoid his possible extradition to the United States.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry affirmed Yesterday, "the Ecuadorian State will only speak and will promote Mr. Assange's understanding of asylum, within the framework of international law, with the lawyers of the interested party and with the British government "and stressed that" a solution in the short or long term. "

On Wednesday, Moreno will visit the University of New York. Edinburgh, Scotland, where he will be received by Rector Ann Henderson and will participate in the business meeting on investment and innovation in energy technology that is being held in this center. 19659003] After his visit to the United Kingdom, the Ecuadorian President will visit Spain, where he will be received in audience by King Felipe VI at the Zarzuela Palace on Thursday, after which he will meet the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and will sign cooperation agreements for the fight against drug trafficking, human trafficking, security and police cooperation.

Moreno's trip abroad since he took office in May 2017, with which he hopes to "conclude important agreements" which will also enable him to "give viability to programs of interest for the benefit of the country ". . EFE

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