Moreno meets Scottish businessmen to discuss investments in energy – La República CE


The President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno participated today in Edinburgh in a private meeting with businessmen to discuss possible investments in technology that improve the technology. Energy efficiency and stimulate the country's economy, as part of the European tour that will take him tomorrow to Spain

The Ecuadorian President, who made a three-day visit to the United Kingdom , was received at University of Edinburgh where he event was organized by the deputy chancellor of this institution, Peter Mathieson

According to a statement of the Ecuadorian Government, the The objective of the meeting with representatives of the energy sector is "to establish a space for dialogue to strengthen ties between ] Ecuador and Scotland."

is also sought after "to take advantage of the vast experience in research and innovation, particularly in the field of Unconventional Renewables and Energy Efficiency" with which Scotland at.

The executive affirmed that its intention was to attract investment "which help revive the national economy" taking Scotland as an example, a region "leading globally recognized initiatives in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and managing renewable energy efficiently."

Before his visit to the Scottish capital, Moreno, who moves in a chair He spoke on Tuesday in London at the First World Summit on Disability, in which he defended "public policies of solidarity" for the disabled, undertaken by his government.

During the summit, which brought together more than 700 delegates from governments, the private and charitable sector, and people with disabilities in the British capital, the president emphasized the need for Disability in Rights Speech of the human and not in the paradigm of the medical. "

From Scotland, the Ecuadorian leader will travel to Spain, where tomorrow he will be received by King Felipe VI, after which he will meet with his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sánchez and will sign agreements. cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking, human trafficking, security and police cooperation

Moreno's presence in the United Kingdom and Spain is part of the European Tour that he is carrying out with his wife, Rocío González, and several members of his cabinet EFE

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