Moreno offers "legal certainty" to entrepreneurs to invest in Ecuador – La República EC


Lenín Moreno. Photo taken from the site of the presidency of the republic

The president of Ecuador Lenin Moreno, today offered "legal security" to all national entrepreneurs and foreigners, especially Spanish, who wants to invest in the country.

At an informative meeting, the Ecuadorian president aspired to improve trade relations with other countries, especially in the case of those with whom they are already intense.

said, employers must be willing to comply with the regulation of labor, taxation and natural resources conservation

Moreno, who is now making a two-day visit to Spain, offered the "loving" hand and the "open arms" to entrepreneurs to confidently invest in the Ecuador a "rich" country, and talked about the "ease" for the Spanish to share the same language and mutual affection. [19659003] He pointed out that there is "many investment opportunities" given the great wealth of the Ecuadorian subsoil in oil, gold and nickel, and has underlined the projects of development of renewable energies.

Ecuador "exports" electricity and refers to the possibility of a transmission network allowing to use this energy in deficit countries as Chile and northern Peru. EFE

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