Moreno organizes the confidentiality of the "third product" in the Gabela case – La República CE


Lenin Moreno, Vice President of the Republic, Alejandra Vicuña, and Speaker of the Assembly, Elizabeth Cabezas, in the Report to the Nation, May 24, 2018. API / CRISTINA VEGA

The President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno, today ordered the lifting of confidentiality that weighed on the contract signed with the Argentine expert Roberto Meza, as a contribution to the investigation into the badbadination of General Jorge Gabela, in 2010.

On Twitter, the President said that this measure is part of the "transparency policy" led by his government, which began May 24, 2017 and will continue until 2021.

It also does so in accordance with the law Organic transparency and access to public information (LOTAIP).

On June 19, Meza ratified his badessment that it was not a common crime that killed Gabela in December 2010, but his denunciations. On irregularities in the purchase of Indian helicopters Dhruv for the Air Force of his country.

Last June, when Meza arrived in Ecuador to appear before the prosecution, he said at a press conference. "Third report" submitted by him on July 8, 2013 to the president of an inter-institutional committee investigating the crime of Gabela, allegedly in the hands of common criminals, was mutilated.

For Meza, there was an attempt to hide the truth of Gabela's crime, deceased on December 29, 2010 as a result of a shot while he was in the lobby of his house

Meza last month recalled the existence of a confidentiality agreement on the report submitted by him and which, he noted, does not have a copy.

"In one of its clauses the contract states that all material supported is the intellectual property of the Ministry of Justice, so that the entity will keep all the information," Meza added then. EFE

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