Moreno repeals the order to include "new masculinities" in the curriculum – La República CE


Quito (Pichincha), July 5, 2018.- The President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, had a conversation with representatives of accredited international news agencies in the country. The act took place at the Government Palace. Photo: Carlos Silva / Presidency of the Republic

The President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno reformed Thursday Decree 397, of May 15, which contained the General Regulations of the Organic Law Integrated to Prevention and the eradication of violence against women, in which ordered to include curricular meshes of all educational levels, textbooks and educational guides, "integration of the 39, gender approach, new masculinities, women in their diversity prevention and eradication of violence against women, change of roles and elimination of gender stereotypes … "

Moreno amended the literal a) of the transitional provision Fifth, by eliminating references to gender, "new masculinities and women in their diversity." The issue provoked controversy and led opponents to organize a national march on 28 July

The new literal a) states that: "They will develop and / or update curricular meshes for all levels and textbooks and instructional guides that include equality between men and women in all political, economic and social fields ; sociocultural construction on the roles and values ​​badociated with the behavior of men without machismo or supremacy towards women; prevention and eradication of violence against women; the development of non-discriminatory behavior; and the elimination of all forms of stereotyping, within a maximum of one hundred and eighty (180) days from the publication of these General Regulations in the Official Register ". (I)

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