Moreno will not take Assange's case while traveling in Europe – La República CE


Lenín Moreno. Photo taken from the site of the presidency of the Republic

Quito (EFE) .- The Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility clarified today that the case of the l 39; Australian Julian Assange ] Founder of WikiLeaks will not be addressed during the visit of the head of state, Lenin Moreno in Europe.

"Neither the Ecuadorian Head of state nor his delegation travels to the United Kingdom and Spain regarding the asylum of Mr. Assange" stresses the Foreign Ministry in a statement.

The brief circulates at a time when press reports speak of the possibility that the trip deal with the question of Assange, asylum at the Embbady of Ecuador in London since 2012 .

"The aims of the trip concern only the participation of President Lenin Moreno at the World Summit on Disability in London, and the progress of the major bilateral program with Spain, and the economic and commercial promotion of the world. Ecuador in Madrid and Edinburgh ", emphasizes the official note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

and insists:" The State of Ecuador will speak only of Mr. Assange, in the framework of international law, with the lawyers of the interested party and with the British Government. "

" For the moment, because of the complexity of the question, there is no short-term or long-term solution ", finalizes the statement

The founder of WikiLeaks has taken refuge at the Embbady of Ecuador in London since 2012, a situation described by Moreno as "stone in the shoe".

In this regard, the Chancellor, José Valencia reported this week that Moreno should not go to the diplomatic headquarters to see Assange, who was nationalized in Ecuador at the end of the year. year 2017.

Moreno left yesterday Ecuador for the tour to which he will be accompanied in the United Kingdom by his wife, Rocío González as well as the Minister of Hydrocarbons, Carlos Pérez and Isabel Maldonado technical secretary of the governmental plan "A life" .

Moreno's official agenda begins tomorrow in the British capital with his presence at the official reception of the I Global Summit on Disability

. On Tuesday, the president will deliver a speech at the summit to inform the international community about the public policies implemented by his government on disability issues.

He will also offer details of the missions "Las Manuelas" and "Las Joaquinas" which "demonstrate the commitment and priority given by the Ecuadorian Government to questions as sensitive as disability ", according to the Secretariat of Communication (Secom). [19659004AfterparticipatinginMorenorencountervice-ArgentinianPresident Gabriela Michetti

On Wednesday, Moreno will travel to the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, where he will be received by Rector Ann Henderson and will participate in the event. Encuentro Empresarial de Inversión and Innovación en Tecnología Energética, to be held at this university.

After his visit to the United Kingdom, Moreno will move to Spain where, in addition to Pérez, Maldonado and González, will be accompanied by Foreign Ministers, José Valencia; of the Interior, Mauro Toscanini, and Economy and Finance, Richard Martínez, among others

On Thursday 26, Moreno will be received in audience by King Felipe VI in the Palace of Zarzuela

Soon after, he will meet the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez and will sign cooperation agreements for the fight against drug trafficking, the trafficking of human beings, security and police cooperation. 19659004] That same day, he will meet the former President of the Spanish Government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and, in the late afternoon, Moreno will sign a memorandum of understanding between the Government of Ecuador and business groups to strengthen the project "Casa para Todos"

On the last day of the agenda, on Friday 27, Moreno will lead the conference "Saliendo del Abismo" led by businessmen and opinion leaders

will hold summer camp children's workshops for children of migrant parents, "ratifying the Commitment of "government of all" to meet the needs of the Ecuadorian community living abroad. " EFE (I)

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