Moreno will travel to the United Kingdom and Spain for a new tour – La República EC


REFERENCE | Quito (Pichincha), April 18, 2018.- The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, spoke this morning with the NTN24 channel on the situation on the border with Colombia and other issues of the political situation. Photo: Eduardo Flores / Presidency of the Republic

The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno begins this weekend a new international tour that will take him in this case to the United Kingdom and Spain, where It will be the second time that he will visit Madrid since taking office in May 2017.

Moreno will stop in the British capital on Monday and Tuesday, where he plans to participate in I Global Summit on Disability organized by the Department of International Development of the United Kingdom and the Government of Kenya

The Ecuadorian President will develop a cultural program in this country and attend an official reception although it has not been confirmed yet for the time being it will hold bilateral meetings with senior British leaders.

It is also not known whether he will visit the Ecuadorian Embbady in London, where the founder of Wikileaks, the liano Julian Assange

L & ## Ecuador offered his refuge to Assange during Rafael Correa's previous executive, but Moreno described his case of "a stone in the shoe" and in the last month is trying to find a way out of it. The case for what was granted at the end of 2017, for example, the Ecuadorian nationality, although the measure failed.

Overall, contacts between the two governments remain at the highest level to resolve the dispute in recent months, as provided by officials of the Ecuadorian government.

The stage in Spain will begin Wednesday in Madrid, where it is expected that Moreno will meet the new Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez. [19659003] Moreno made an official visit to Spain last December, and as then, in his current stay, he will ask the Spanish authorities to insist European Union (EU) to eliminate the Schengen visa required for Ecuadorian citizens for short stays.

Under the signing of the multiparty agreement between the EU and Colombia and Peru, the exemption of these visas came into force in January 2017, but in the case L & # Ecuador extended the implementation of the measure to have joined later.

During the visit to both countries, Moreno will be accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, José Valencia, who is in Brussels EU-CELAC, which ends today

There will also be accompanied by the private Secretary of the Presidency, Juan Sebastián Roldán, who will arrive in Spain a few days before to finalize the preparations for the new visit.

According to the newspaper "El Comercio" ", Another objective of this visit is " reposition the image of Ecuador abroad. "

" In recent weeks, former President Rafael Cor The Ecuadorian government recently revealed that he has created a communication strategy and asked his diplomatic delegations to the 39, alien to fight against political persecution in the international media " .the speech of the exmandatario and to strengthen the image of Ecuador as a democratic country where there is a separation absolute power.

Correa is required by Ecuadorian Justice of 2 July last not to appear before the National Court of Justice in Quito, which he subsequently asked Interpol to issue an international arrest warrant for his capture and extradition

Correa was accused by ex-legislator Fernando Balda as a possible brain of an attempted abduction against him in Colombia in 2012.

In Spain, Correa was so Held by the leftist group Podemos, led by Pablo Iglesias, who facilitated the arrival of Sánchez to power in early last June, so Moreno should not meet his leaders.

What is the eighth trip of the President of Ecuador abroad that will end on Sunday 29, date on which plans to return to the country. EFE

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