MOST BOXES of the first stage of the Ecuadorian championship


Source: StudioFútbol

Last weekend, the first leg of the Ecuadorian football championship was over and this gives us the opportunity to make badessments or statistics on our football. One aspect to consider is to see which teams have called more people to their tournament matches.

In this case, the FEF collects only the official statistics provided by the clubs BY CONCEPT OF TICKETS SOLD by the parties (some exclude partners or others

The journalist Guido Manolo Campaña made this compilation of official data and it turned out that Emelec is the highest ticket office with 178,214 tickets

raised Barcelona with $ 1,460,545 during the eleven home games played in the first half.

#FEF Attention Emelec, Liga de Quito and Barcelona among the top three teams with badistance and collectibles Look at the other teams' standings table Which clubs have less fans and do not collect not much?

– Guido Manolo (@guimanca) July 18, 2018

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