Mutiny of "political prisoners" in intelligence cells in Caracas


Relatives of detainees observe on the road leading to the military prison of Ramo Verde in Los Teques, outside Caracas, Venezuela, on Friday, April 28, 2017. The opposition is heading towards the prison where opposition leader Leopoldo López is serving a 14-year prison sentence for leading demonstrations against the government in 2014. (AP Photo / Ariana Cubillos)

A group of those considered as "Political prisoners" Venezuelans launched a new riot of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) in Caracas to denounce the ill-treatment they would suffer in their detention and to demand the mediation of the Office of the Prosecutor

A video broadcast on social networks shows police officer Fred Mavares, who remains in detention two years ago despite a release card according to his lawyers, in what appears to be the scene of the protest in s the cells.

"There is no negotiation, we will not talk to a commissioner of the Sebin (but directly to the Office of the Prosecutor), warns Mavares in his statement, shared by local media

"If a mbadacre takes place, we hold the state authorities responsible. that they have ignored all the situations and aberrations that occur here in the Sebin " continues Mavares, considered one of the" political prisoners "of the country.

He stressed that the Inmates have high, without specifying how much they are not even what they are called, they will not give in to their requests until they get an answer from the prosecutor.

Some parents detainees went to the headquarters of the Sebin where the riot occurs to obtain information on the state of health of the prisoners.

Yaneth Carvajal, the wife of one detainees, said she had not seen her husband for two months – a court granted her liberty on April 18 and continues after the bars – and he then worries he has said, he saw ambulances entering the police headquarters.

Similarly, Ana Zambrano, mother of Mavares, declared to the plays that his son is ill. "I hold the government accountable, because it has been going on for months, how long will they wait?" They come to die of so many diseases that they have (…) I'm afraid for them all, " says

Between 16 and 18 May another riot was recorded in these cells and included the participation of others " political prisoners " some of whom they then been released as part of a reconciliation plan promoted by the Nicolás Executive Maduro .

The lawyer Alfredo Romero, director of the organization that leads the defense of "political prisoners", said: tra via Twitter, there are 10 people in the Sebin who are detained for dissent with the government, who were "incommunicado for 55 days (without visits from relatives or lawyers)." EFE

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