Nacho says we should not be silent with governments that are screwed to power – La República CE


The Venezuelan singer Nacho, about to complete a tour to the United States, said today that liberty advocates are the only thing they can not not to do, it's to shut up in front of corrupt governments.

In an interview with Efe in Miami, where he lives for eight years, the reggaeton interpreter pointed out that there are "warriors who bet a lot more" and that they "put in" their chest in front of people who are not afraid to shoot at you ".

Nacho, who separated from his duo partner Chyno and started a solo career more than a year ago, in which he sang with several artists, including the Puerto Rican-Puerto Rican reggaeton Ozuna , with whom he shares his latest single "Chance", will end this Saturday in Miami his tour of the United States.

Miguel Ignacio Mendoza Donatti, his real name, known for his criticism of the government of Nicolás Maduro, said There is frustration among all Venezuelans because "we do not understand the path we must take to get out of this diet."

"We have taken the democratic way, the violence, all kinds of roads and ultimately this type of government is worried about power and the greatest wealth for themselves and their families," he lamented.

He said that the only thing that voices like yours can not do, is to defend it. Justice, and "justice for the human being will always be freedom."

Nacho said that he understands how "difficult" it is to fight "against a corrupt regime" and risk his life, but he said that he does not lose

"That in worth it because from my point of view, it's a life that saves many other lives, but it's also worth thinking about the beings you have around you who love you, who depend on you". another side, manifests itself If exile is the solution, we must also think of governments like Donald Trump, who "attacked immigration a lot."

Life as an immigrant, he said, is "pretty strong". of a new country, the adaptation and likelihood of "experiencing another kind of persecution" due to the lack of immigration documents, said the singer

Nacho has had to appeal this year to a travel document as a refugee from the United States. A frustrated attempt to renew his pbadport in Venezuela.

On the other hand, he emphasized that his new solo career "was one of the best decisions" that he took in his life, because he gave more of time to himself and to his wife Inger Devera and his four children

"I had to take a different step, I needed to have new results and to have control over my time, "he says about the end of the duo that he had been for over ten years. Chyno, with whom, he says, maintains "the same relationship".

"We were always very good partners and partners, but in reality we did not talk all the time. I think that if we need the other, we will be, "says the interpreter, claiming that they" do not speak regularly ".

Winner in 2017 d & # 39; A Latin Grammy as a producer of the album "Babies" by Marc Anthony, Nacho He said that he would like to sing with artists like Rubén Blades, Juan Luis Guerra and Draco Rosa to "try to enrich all those colleagues who have so much knowledge. "

On the other hand, he does not want to make a permanent duet like the one he had until in 2017 with Chyno, with whom he won the Latin Grammy for the best urban music album in 2010 for the album "Mi niña bonita"

"I was already in a quartet, I was in trio, In quintet, I was part of an orchestra Being the soloist when I was younger, I think I have lived all these stages, I feel very lonely. "" I think it was a lived experience, it's like a sentimental relationship that you've already overcome, "he added .. reguetonero. [19659003] Nacho was also happy about the tour that resulted , noting that he was "very ambitious" in terms of staging, choreography, theater, dance and also visually EFE


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