"Nahuelpán has the confidence of Almada, we need him"


Source: StudioFútbol

Carlos Alfaro Moreno, director of the Barcelona Sporting Club, spoke today with RADIO CARAVANA on several subjects, among them, the situation of the world. Ariel Nahuelpán after the payment He claimed a few days ago and the institution has little time to pay.

"Nahuelpán is at the coaches' disposal, there is a tension with the legal department, but he has always had the confidence of Guillermo, he is in what the campus is and what we need. everyone to win the stage, "said the vice president sports.

"This has nothing to do with Inter, but it's a subject like with Frickson (Erazo)." He ended up negotiating his departure with Vasco. </ P> <p> Here, Nahuelpán canceled his contract with his representative, it's a debt that he has … Debt is with the player, it's a complicated matter.I only know that we, Barcelona, ​​have to comply with it ", said the former footballer

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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