Napoli would offer 45 million for Benzema


Source: MD

The Naples could shortly formalize an offer of 45 million to take from Real Madrid to French Karim Benzema . According to the Italian press, the rectors of the Neapolitan team rejoice at the arrival of the French, who will again be placed under the command of Carlo Ancelotti, with whom he maintains good relations at Real Madrid.

The offer is not firm, but in Italy it considers it more than viable in light of the economic potential of the entire south of the country. Benzema, which will fill in December 1945 31 years could be the second 'leg' of the BBC leaving the club after the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo to Juventus.

And an income of 45 million euros would further increase the amount of the money available to Real Madrid for the resettlement of its workforce which, after the departure of CR7, seems to have started.

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