Natalia Poklónskaya, icon of Crimea with black sheep in the party of Putin – La República CE


Natalia Poklónskaya

It was not two years ago that MP Natalia Poklónskaya landed in the Russian Parliament, and the young woman who was an icon of the annexation of Crimea has become the sheep The black party of the ruling party, United Russia, which is already in a hurry to return to its seat.

"Must take a decision" said the leader of the United Russia parliamentary group, Sergey Neverov, the 38-year-old MP must give up his seat after his dissenting vote.

Putin's party views the Crimean MP's vote as treason, especially after warning that criticism of unpopular reform would not be tolerated. which raises from 55 to 63 the age of retirement for women and from 60 to 65 for men.

Poklónskaya has never distinguished himself as obedient and disciplined, but to get in trouble and defend even positions against the public opinion. n Putin, something unheard of in a training whose only reason for being is to serve the interests of the Kremlin.

Young, beautiful and energetic, Natalia Poklónskaya became famous in spring 2014, when Crimea rebelled against the new. The Kiev authorities, in a process that resulted in a referendum of self-determination and the annexation of the peninsula by Russia.

Only three days after the triumph of the Maidan Revolution in Kiev, the Crimean prosecutor of the time resigned. his office, and even before the annexation was consummated, he badumed the post of Attorney General of the Rebel Peninsula.

First his pro-Russian idealism came as the new Crimea, for example declare as an extremist organization and ban the People's Assembly of the Tatar minority, known as Medzhlis.

But immediately began to meddle in affairs that upset the political elite of the new republic, as when he wanted to oppose the unbridled real estate expansion in Crimea, as the Recalled some of his collaborators of the time.

Apparently, he never wanted to end his career as a prosecutor, but the time of the revolutions was over and his mentors preferred to promote him to the State Duma (lower house of the Russian Parliament) to have it as much as possible.

Symbol of the Call "Spring of Crimea" Poklónskaya had to become the hallmark of the new Duma, but as soon as he moved to Moscow, the country discovered that his heroine is a little less of a religious radical, dedicated to the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, which he portrays in his office.

He has already hinted that it would not be political to use when he came out with an icon of Nicholas II at the march of the immortal regiment in Moscow, an act in which every day of victory over the Nazi Germany Hundreds of thousands of the city March Dadanos carrying pictures of their loved ones who participated in the Second World War.

However, the culmination of his fervor came with a campaign, it led to ban the exhibition of the film "Matilda", which tells the secret relationship between Nicholas II, then heir to the Russian throne, with the dancer Matilda Kshesínskaya, star of the Marínski Theater in St. Petersburg.

For almost a year, and without even having seen the film of the prestigious director Alexei Uchitel, Poklónsklaya became leader and spokesman of the radical orthodox, and remained in his thirteen years even when Putin denied that the band was going to be banned.

The deputy has given wings to extremist groups like "The Christian State – Holy Russia", who received their threats the largest network of cinemas in Russia decided not to project "Matilda" out of fear retaliation.

The Uchitel office in St. Petersburg was attacked with Lotov badtails, while several activists burned two cars and distributed leaflets that could be read "You'll burn for Matilda" near the office of his lawyer.

In an action bordering Putin's political suicide in Russia, Poklónskaya recorded a video on Red Square accusing Attorney General Yuri Chaika of "laziness," and said that all his fellow MPs who saw the film would be deprived of the Eucharist for six months, which the Church refuted

In the end, the film was screened in cinemas in the autumn of the year last, and gradually people have forgotten the controversy and about Poklónskaya himself, until last week, when the former Crimean prosecutor go against the current

And can not not be free this time, because his colleagues have already declared a full boycott.

This Thursday, of the 17 members of the parliamentary committee chairing only three attended their meeting. EFE

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